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5 Wonderful Ways to Get Free Wedding Invitation Samples

You may be wondering why on earth you would need free wedding invitation samples.
After all, most people just go to the store and buy them, right?
Well, there are a few reasons why you might want to get your hands on some free wedding invitation samples.
Maybe you’re on a tight budget and don’t have the money to spend on invitations. Maybe you’re a DIY bride who wants to see if she can make her own invitations. Or maybe you just want to take a look at different invitation designs before making a final decision.
Whatever your reasons, there are plenty of ways to get free wedding invitation samples. Here are five of the best!
1. Look for free wedding invitation samples online
There are a few different ways to find free wedding invitation samples online. One is to search for “free wedding invitation samples” on your favorite search engine. This should bring up a number of results from websites that offer free samples.
Another way to find free samples is to visit the websites of some of the major wedding invitation companies. Many of them, such as Wedding Paper Divas and Minted, offer free samples of their invitations. All you have to do is enter your information and they’ll send you a few samples in the mail.
2. Order free wedding invitation samples from the printer’s website
If you’re planning on printing your own invitations, then you can usually order free samples from the printer’s website. This is a great way to see how the invitations will look once they’re printed and to make sure that you’re happy with the design.
3. Ask friends and family members if they have any extra wedding invitations that you can borrow
If you know anyone who recently got married, they might have some extra wedding invitations that you can borrow. You can also check with your local bridal shop to see if they have any samples that you can take home.
4. Check with local businesses to see if they have any extra wedding invitations that they would be willing to give away
There’s a good chance that your local wedding florist, baker, or photographer has some extra wedding invitations lying around. They might be happy to give them to you if you ask nicely!
5. Try making your own wedding invitations
If you’re feeling crafty, you can always try making your own wedding invitations. There are plenty of DIY tutorials online that will show you how. You might even be able to find some free printables to help you get started.
Getting free wedding invitation samples is a great way to save money or to get some ideas for your own invitations. So what are you waiting for? Start looking for free samples today!
1. How many free samples can I request?
Most companies that offer free samples will send you a few, usually between three and five. However, there’s no harm in requesting more if you need them.
2. Do I have to pay for shipping?
sometimes the company will cover the cost of shipping, but other times you might have to pay a small fee. It depends on the company and the sample that you’re requesting.
3. Can I use the samples to make my own invitations?
Yes! If you’re a DIY bride, then you can use the samples as inspiration for your own invitations. Just remember to give credit to the company that provided the sample.
4. How long will it take to receive the samples?
Samples usually arrive within a few weeks, but it can sometimes take longer depending on the company and where you live.
5. I still can’t find any free samples. What should I do?
If you’ve looked online and asked around but you still can’t find any free samples, then you might want to consider making your own invitations. There are plenty of DIY tutorials online that will show you how. You might even be able to find some free printables to help you get started.